Please share a Christopher memory and we will post it below
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A non-profit, founded in 1945 by Father James Keller, M.M., The Christophers encourages people to change the world for the better.
Kathleen R., Greeley
“Yes, you truly are ‘Christ-Bearers.’ I am a recently retired Middle School teacher. I taught Catholic education at my school, St. Mary, and my parish for over 25 years. Please know that I used many of your News Notes to enrich my Religion classes. Not only was the subject matter important and timely, but those News Notes promoted very good class discussions. I want you to know that I have saved each and every News Note and put them in page protectors in a 3-ring notebook…May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, continue to bless you and the work that you do. Thank you for sending me the News Notes for all these years, even when I didn’t have money to give you monthly donations. You truly have been a blessing to me and my former students.” - Kathleen R., Greeley, CO
Dennis and Betty W
“I remember when Fr. Keller started The Christophers back in NYC when I was 14 years old – always had a great admiration for him and his work. We lived on 60th St. and 9th Ave. next to Paulist Fathers. I was altar boy and my brother became Paulist with 2 tours in Vietnam as a Chaplain with the 101 ABN. I went to Power Memorial, then to Iona College, then CW Post MBA, went on to the Police Dept. (NYPD)…Life has been good up to now, married 53 years…3 girls: one school teacher 25 years, one nurse practitioner…and nurse in Hospice House.”
- Dennis and Betty W., Collierville, TN
Mrs. M.
“At my morning prayer time I asked the Lord what could I, an old widow (89 years old), do during these trying times of this awful virus. We have been told to stay in and not socialize etc. I haven’t seen anyone or been out, so how can I be of help??
I picked up a prayer card, where it came from, I don’t know, it’s pretty and titled “Prayer of Gratitude.” When I finished, I turned it over and on the back the quote of your founder, Fr. Keller, M.M., The Christophers and the address – Wow. I had not heard anything about The Christophers in years. When I was much younger I heard of them often where I came from. Well, I took this as a sign that I could do something, even if it’s giving a small amount to you to help in your ministry to others. Thank you and God Bless your work. Thank God for an answer to my prayers.” - Mrs. M., Baton Rouge, LA
Judith B & Miss Stella B
“Happy 75th! I want you to know how much I appreciate your notes and 3 Minutes books. I have been very encouraged over the years. I have a mental illness and the last few years have been difficult as I don’t always understand. You always light that one candle!” - Judith B., Maryland
A few days ago I received your “News Note” #622. I was very moved by it and passed it on to a friend who recently lost her mother, I told her I would write to you requesting at least 5 copies, also requesting Masses for my family. I have “News Notes” on other subjects which have helped me in the past and I still re-read. I thank you for sending these to me, I am 93 years and there are times when I get depressed and lose hope. I am under 24 hour home care as is my 94 year old brother. Thanks again. Miss Stella B.
Kay M.
"The Christopher Notes are wonderful and very INSPIRATIONAL. 'The Christophers' is a a non-profit organization started in 1945 by Fr. James Keller. They try to teach people that 'IT'S BETTER TO LIGHT ONE CANDLE THAN TO CURSE THE DARKNESS'. They encourage people to change the world for the better and and how to handle difficult times, etc. You can receive their news notes by mail 10 times a year. I love the notes and have been saving them almost my entire life. Excellent information to reflect on."
- Kay M. on Facebook
"Thank you sincerely for lighting the way for so many who are searching for the Light of Christ in this world."
-Sr. Regina
Janet W
Dear friends at The Christophers, A most blessed joy-filled 75th anniversary! As a young child in the mid-1940’s (I was born in 1936), I recall my mother receiving a “newsletter” which she cherished…and the contents of which she read to my two sisters and myself. Our family had survived the “Great Depression” (with a lot of help from relatives), but my father had abandoned our family – so my mother worked two jobs to support us. Although we had minimal financial resources during this decade, I saw my mother mailing a one-dollar bill to the Christophers regularly…Decades went by…my sisters and I left home, married and supported out precious Mom as aging and illness crept into her life. Twenty years ago this month, Mom “left-earth-for Heaven.” In sorting through her belongings, I found copies of “Christopher Notes.” This caused me to re-connect with your ministry of Newsletters and Bookmarks…I want to express my SINCERE GRATITUDE for 75 years of supplying love, hope and “deepening faith” to my family and to my Pastoral Ministry!
- Ever with gratitude, In Christ and His Mother, Janet W.
Sharon P
"I received in the mail today your most recent News Notes and the Prayer for Life Prayer Card. I want to say 'Thank you,' the prayer cards and News Notes are very inspiring to me when I am sad or experiencing a mental health issue!!"
- Sharon P.
Mary Grace
Thank You for the delightful and inspirational daily emails.
And for today when you have me the acronym meaning behind the lettters TMAD. I knew what it stood for once when i signed up but i forgot and have been guessing, the most affirmative Daily examples of living Christ like...
3 minutes a day is carrying me thru this COVID time and cheering me up as I drive my neighbor to her daily cancer radiation treatments.
Sr Regina
Carmelite Sisters
Congratulations on 75 years !
May our Blessed Mother and Jesus Christ, Her Beloved Son, and all the angels and saints in heaven surround you and the staff of Christopher News Notes in a huge embrace of love and joy as you celebrate 75 years of the Christophers.
Truly, Father James Keller was a “man of hope.” He was also a man of faith and charity. He brought our faith alive and practiced charity all of his life, lighting candles in homes, schools, hospitals, prisons. God bless him!
Rest assured that the Christophers are always in our daily Carmelite prayers.
Lovingly in Christ,
Carmelite Sisters of Rochester, NY
Gloria Vendryes
I have been receiving News Notes from the Christophers for many years and enjoyed them immensely. Your News Note #627-“Seeking God’s Peace in Troubled Times” really covered so beautifully every aspect of the pandemic that is upon us—with so many positive ways to handle it and ourselves.
Thank you so much!
Mrs. G. V. Ithaca, NY