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March 2022
Dear Friends,

             The Christophers hope this Lenten season will be a time of renewal for the entire world. May the peace that Christ inspires within our hearts touch the lives of all those in need of discovering God’s love and most especially those suffering from hardened hearts. And we pray especially for a just and peaceful ending to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. May all refugees be cared for and may senseless acts of violence come to an end so that families can be reunited and begin to rebuild their lives and their communities.

            Many will soon be receiving our Power of Joy prayer card, which so beautifully captures the lightness of spirit Christ has won for us and that we are called to live out in gratitude to God and generosity towards others. As we take up the rigors of Lent in preparation for our commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice at Eastertime, let us always remember the joy to which we are called and which must be our aim even amid the trials of life.

            On March 9, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francesca of Rome, also known as Frances of Rome, who opened the doors of her home to care for victims of a 15th century plague. May she intercede for the whole world to bring an end to our current pandemic, and may she especially watch over all caregivers who place their lives on the line every day to help the sick and those in need.

            And March 17 is the Feast Day of Saint Patrick of Ireland, who returned to evangelize the Celtic people after he escaped from being enslaved by them. He converted thousands to Christ and eventually won Ireland for the Catholic faith. Let us pray for Saint Patrick to intercede for the faithful of Ireland today to remain an inspiration to the world in their commitment to Christ and for all descendants of Ireland here in our nation to walk in the footsteps of Saint Patrick and live out the holiness that once transformed a nation.

            A special thanks to our donors for making all we do possible. May God guide you to experience renewal during this Lenten season, and may all your efforts be blessed.



Mary Ellen Robinson


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Mary Ellen Robinson


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