Our Mission Statement
The mission of The Christophers is to encourage people of all ages, and from all walks of life, to use their God-given talents to make a positive difference in the world. The mission is best expressed in The Christophers’ motto: “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.”
We believe that each person has a God-given mission to fulfill, a particular job to do that has been given to no one else. Love and truth come to us through God, but these gifts are not ours to keep. By sharing them with others each of us becomes a Christ-bearer, a “Christopher” in the most fundamental sense of that word.
It is through our literature, broadcasts, awards and leadership courses that we at The Christophers work toward our mission, bringing positive and constructive values into the mainstream of life. To encourage personal responsibility we have no meetings, no memberships and no dues. All are welcome to join us, knowing that in embracing the Christopher mission they will share one overriding commitment: the love of all people for the love of God.
What is The Christophers' strategy for achieving its mission?
The Christophers' strategy for achieving its mission includes using the following:
Christopher News Notes, motivational pamphlets published 10 times a year that address spiritual values and social issues.
Christopher Closeup, a weekly radio show and podcast that highlights individuals – both famous and not so famous – who share personal stories and insights that reflect the Christopher motto “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.”
The annual Christopher Awards which honor books, films and television programs that affirm the highest values of the human spirit.
Christopher Leadership Courses which help people build confidence and communication skills that allow them to become effective leaders in their families, workplaces and communities.
Three Minutes a Day, a book and website feature that offers daily reflections on overcoming challenges and building a better world.
An Annual Poster Contest for High School Students which awards cash prizes to those who best convey the message “You Can Make a Difference.”
An Annual Video Contest for College Students which awards cash prizes to those who create the best film or video conveying the theme “one person can make a difference.”
Christopher Minutes, syndicated radio PSAs that share messages of hope on over 250 stations nationwide.
Light One Candle, syndicated weekly columns that offer thought-provoking commentaries on timely subjects and events.
Ministry to the military and prisons, including the donation of Christopher literature & materials, to share a message of God's hope.
Donations of Christopher literature & materials to youth and women's centers and hospitals and nursing homes - wherever it's likely to be needed the most.
Online ministry, through this website, e-mail and our presence on social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
How does The Christophers share its message?
The Christophers’ activities are primarily run from its New York, NY, offices, which are staffed by seven employees. Some programs, such as the Christopher Leadership Course or the Christopher Awards, are also supported by a national network of volunteer instructors and/or evaluators.
While The Christophers has been graced with the generous support of private grants and bequests, our organization and activities are largely dependent upon individual donations. Information about giving options can be found here.
How does The Christophers measure and report progress?
In addition to allowing us to sustain and further grow our programs, the number of overall donations we receive are an obvious gauge of progress, indicating the current reach of our message. We also closely follow feedback such as thank you letters and requests for further information about our publications or programs. Growth is also gauged by the number of people who join our mailing list, subscribe to our electronic newsletters or podcasts or visit our website. The more people who request or seek out our message and then pass it along to others, the more people we can reach!
We regularly report such progress in a letter posted to our website each month called What's New. This letter informs our donors and the public of recent activities, recent feedback from our supporters and projects planned for the near future. We also list groups and organizations who receive donations of Christopher literature and materials.