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November 2021
Dear Friends,

           We open this month with All Saints and All Souls Days, and we pray for the intercession of all the saints of the Church and for the repose of the souls of those who have gone before us. The Christophers especially pray for our deceased benefactors, who so generously provided for the continuation of our vital mission to bring hope into the world.
          We recently filmed another installment of our new video series featuring Father Edward Dougherty, M.M., former Superior General of the Maryknoll Order and a current board member of The Christophers. We filmed our first installments of this series over the summer, when Father Dougherty spoke on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We encourage everyone to view these beautiful videos on our website and to share them with friends and loved ones because they can help break down common barriers many experience in availing themselves of this important sacrament.
          In his latest video, Father Dougherty speaks to us on the topic of Being a Christopher, sharing bits of wisdom from our founder, Father James Keller, M.M., and explaining that being a Christopher is accessible to all people and does not depend on joining our organization but simply entails an honest commitment to walk in the footsteps of Christ. In this beautiful video, which will soon be available for all to watch, Father Dougherty extends an invitation to all people to join in being Christ-bearers in their own lives.   
          On November 16 we celebrate the feast of Saint Giuseppe Moscati, whose life story exemplifies what it means to be a Christ-bearer. An Italian doctor who practiced medicine in the early 1900s, Saint Giuseppe Moscati saw the face of Christ in the poor and disenfranchised, who he constantly reached out to without care for his own wealth or status. He was associated with miraculous cures during his lifetime as well as after his death and today is known as the patron of bachelors, doctors, and those rejected by religious orders. Let us pray that Saint Giuseppe Moscati intercedes for all those in need during this time of year and for caregivers to be inspired to know they are walking in the footsteps of Christ through their selfless service.
          Finally, The Christophers wish everyone a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! May this be a time of year for friends and family to renew their bonds in the enjoyment of each other’s company, and may those who are lonely and destitute not be forgotten but rather invited into community by those with the ability to share.
          Thanks to our donors for making all we do possible. You remain forever in our prayers.
          God bless!


Mary Ellen Robinson


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Mary Ellen Robinson


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