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Pharaoh, Fish, & a Jesus Facepalm: Sister Orianne Shares Scripture and Science with Youth in ‘Dive Deep’ Book

What does Pharaoh, in the story of Moses and the Exodus, have in common with a porcupine fish? Did the apostles ever say things to Jesus that made Him facepalm? These may not be questions you’ve ever thought of, but Daughter of St. Paul Sister Orianne Pietra René Dyck sure has, and the answers she found make these Scriptural stories come alive for children (and adults) in new and exciting ways. Sister Orianne shares her insights and research in the book “Dive Deep: 40 Days with God at Sea,” written for kids ages nine to 12, and illustrated by Romi Caron.
(To listen to my full interview with Sister Orianne, click on the podcast link above

Three Minutes A Day
The Christophers
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